Hudson Fen Leisure

Hudson Fen Leisure is a company limited by guarantee with a charity registration (number 1128187). For the costs of maintaining the leisure area on Hudson’s Fen, HFLL is dependent on our three Parish Councils, sponsored events and local donations, and any grants that can be obtained from other bodies.

It has provided a play area for children on Hudson’s Fen (beside Chapel Road PE32 1BP)and is now fundraising to restore the Village Football Field and/or  a Multi-Games Area suitable for tennis, basket ball and lots more (starting with whichever can be financed first), a trim trail, swings for older children, a Bowling Green, or outdoor Gym Equipment. Email your views now to Mary Roper [email protected]

The big goal is to build a modern Community Centre as our 1890’s Village Hall is really too small for village needs.

You can find details of our trustees etc on the Charity Commission web pages ( and company details on our Companies House page.

You can support our aims by becoming a Member of HFLL, by coming to our AGM, or by contacting Mary Roper on 01485 600003.We also hold lots of fundraising events through the year, but there’s always room for another one, or to do something sponsored.

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